Strategic Consulting and Risk Management

Disruptions and uncertainties will always be part of the business, but organisations cannot afford to be spectators in those circumstances. It is important that wheel should always keep moving and adapt to new circumstances. Identifying and understanding internal and external elements that effect your business is a necessity to move ahead. Considering those elements into your business strategy, planning how to overcome those and revisit them at regular intervals will help your organisation to evaluate the risks in advance.


Qualitzs specialises in supporting organisations to help your organisation with:

  • Developing business planning 
  • Business continuity planning and management
  • PESTLE Analysis (Micro and Macro Analysis)
  • Interested Parties analysis
  • Risk mitigation during design processes
  • Improve Performance Management

We support to mitigate the Business/Process/Product risks in following areas:

  • Business Strategy – understand market requirements and integrate to business working models, develop mitigation plan for business sustainability
  • Operational Performance and Efficiency – identify process layout bottlenecks, restructure processes to improve operational efficiency
  • Supply Chain – explore gaps within supply chain, revisit selection and risk assessment techniques, introduce supplier intervention programs and deploy supplier development programs
  • Organisational and Resource Alignment – formulate structured resource management to align with business targets and aspirations