Statistical Process Control (SPC)

In this advanced manufacturing world, flawless product launch, JIT deliveries and minimum production disruptions are key for any business success and cost benefits.  Process disturbances are major issues for a mass volume manufacturers and suppliers dealing with Automotive and aerospace industries. So, Process monitoring, and continual improvements are key to reduce or eliminate the process deviations.


Process Monitoring and Continual Improvement of product and process quality is always challenging and creative task in today’s era of globalization. Various quality tools are available and used to monitor and manage the process performance and process variations, but Statistical Process Control (SPC) technique is worldwide acceptable tool. SPC is the system of tools used by manufacturing operations to manage high-quality process with very little process variation. It is used to manage the unknown and special causes within the process. SPC can be used at any stage during manufacturing and inspection to examine the process variation and find the source of deviation using weighted numerical approach.


Qualitzs team has 17 years of experience in working on SPC for various sectors and processes which enable us to provide unique solution to your requirements. We manage the entire process starting from checklist creation, determining the batch and subgroup size, data collection and analysis. We can introduce different SPC tools and techniques based on the nature of your business, process and customer requirements and use different statistical tools to compile the statistical report and guide business for process improvements.


Qualitzs can provide complete SPC solution to suit your requirements, not limited to below:

  • Introduction of SPC into your manufacturing environment for all critical processes
  • Introduction of SPC for Systemic concerns and reduce process discrepancies
  • Process Capability Studies for Protype Parts/Tooling/process to evaluate initial Ppk/pp
  • Process capability studies for Serial Production Tool (Cpk)/ and Production Part Approval Process (PPAP)
  • SPC for ECs/New Plant/New Machineries/Movement of machines or change of resources
  • SPC for Revalidation/Annual layout programs
Measurement System Analysis (MSA)

Measurement System Analysis(MSA) plays a major role in manufacturing industry to determine the variability in the measurement process at individual operations and overall production. It is an approach to accurately select the measuring equipment and resources to reduce the measurement variation. The five pillars of MSA are

  • Bias Study
  • Linearity
  • Stability
  • Repeatability
  • Reproducibility

MSA is a mathematical collection of analysis of system capability, performance and variation. MSA strongly recommends to includes the resource as part of the measurement system. Selection of appropriate measurement equipment and competent resource leads to reduced process variation. Common tools and techniques of MSA are calibration studies, fixed effect ANOVA, attribute gauge study, gauge R&R, ANOVA gauge R&R and destructive test analysis. An ineffective measurement system can allow non-conforming parts to be accepted while good parts to be rejected, resulting in increased scrap and unsatisfied customer.


Qualitzs team has vast experience in planning and executing data collection and MSA. We combine experience from various industries in our MSA implementation. We can provide following MSA consulting services:

  • Review your current MSA process, understand the effectiveness and map to your business goals. We can also assist you in improving your current MSA process if you already have a process in place
  • Provide guidelines in terms of selecting the appropriate MSA tool and technique, based on nature of product and measuring equipment
  • We will guide you to set up the study, provide appropriate templates for data collection and interpret the data into meaning output unique to your needs and your customer’s requirements
  • Training and mentoring the resources at your preferred locations