Process Streamling and Continual Improvement

In the current manufacturing and retail world, organisations operate to JIT principle with minimum levels of inventory, reducing cost, improving efficiency and yet achieving full production capacity and enhanced customer satisfaction. This increases accountability on supply-chain, as potential line stoppage will result in heavy penalties. Qualitzs will assist you to map your activities into core and sub processes and streamline it to remove the bottlenecks within the processes and improve the efficiency. It is well-known fact that efficiency of any processes depends on its operational workflow. Better the process definition and implementation, efficient is your production rate. In general, efficiency leads to better bottom-line.

While streamlining processes and improving workflow, we assess the entire operation from top to bottom, looking for areas of improvement. Reviewing and implementing the changes to workflow includes the following from wider picture.

  • Review the nature of business, product scope, manufacturing/assembly line capabilities, customer and supplier base to understand the product and process requirements
  • Review the core and supporting processes interaction including the current process controls and monitoring
  • Review product and process performance against the target, review the gaps and requirements for improvement
  • Conduct workshop and brainstorming activities with process owners to map out the process. Identify the redundant and unnecessary steps within the process, which if eliminated does not affect the output
  • Present the gaps and prioritise the actions with timeline to executive management
  • Introduce control points and KPIs at the appropriate stages to improve production efficiency and reduce rework and scrap
  • Deploy process improvement by incorporating process automation wherever feasible with economical cost
  • Seek regular feedbacks to ensure the process changes yield desire output
  • Provide clear guidelines for continual improvement activities and future projects

Well established and refined processes will help organisation to meet its operational goals and customer targets. The key benefits to streamline process and continual improvement are 

  • Provide defined information on business capabilities and areas of improvement
  • Ability to identify risks and systemic troubleshooting before impact
  • Increase efficiency, productivity, agility, and profit
  • Defined task ownership and workflow hierarchy to improve accountability
  • Increase employee collaboration across teams, resulting in less errors, holdups, missed deadlines and redundant work
  • Improve compliance with industry standards, regulatory and legislative requirements
  • Enhancing customer satisfaction

Examples of process streamline implemented by Qualitzs that have improved the efficiency

  • Sales: Product Order Management
  • Procurement: Replenishment of raw materials
  • Logistics: Inventory Management and Warehousing
  • Operations: Product delivery
  • Management Review: Quarterly reporting