
Increased competition and technological disruptions in manufacturing has amplifies the demand of product quality and its dimensional conformity. Incorporating appropriate metrology services and tools will yield accurate dimensional product, reduce scrap and lower rework cost.

Qualitzs engineers with their vast experience of working across various sectors and geographies, will cater to all your metrology requirements throughout the product life cycle. Our measurement sevices span from providing solutions for simple part measurements to high precision-complex aerospace industries. Considering your product and its complexity, we will provide you with product inspection and report evaluation solutions tailored to your needs. If you are looking for bespoke solutions for your fixtures and gauging needs, then Qualitzs is your answer!

We pride in creating cost effective custom metrology solutions for your requirements with short lead times.

Our Services

Subcontracting Inspection

In today’s world competition is growing leaps and bounds, and manufacturing and assembly industry is no exception to that. If you want to succeed, you need to stay ahead of time and…

Jigs and Fixtures

Jigs and fixtures are an integral part of production and quality environments, used to hold components to either measure dimensional accuracy or act as a manufacturing aid. Jigs…


Gauges are popular measuring equipment amongst SMEs due to its simplicity and cost effectiveness, while maintaining measurement accuracy. They are used at several stages of…

Metrology Consulting

Metrology is an enormous subject that covers product dimensional precision and well as selection of appropriate measuring equipment, location, part setup fixtures, operator to avoid…


In this advanced manufacturing world, flawless product launch, JIT deliveries and minimum production disruptions are key for any business success and cost benefits. Process disturbance…

Design of Experiment

Design of experiment (DoE) is a series of experiments held to identify relationship between different factors and inputs that effect the desirable process output. A proper DoE will…