Lean Methodologies

Any organisation’s Bottom-Line Profits depends on how efficiently the process are carried out through the manufacturing lines. This is the principle of Lean Manufacturing. Lean Methodology emphasise that each step in the process should add value to the end-result, without disrupting the process.


Lean is a collection of various principles and tools that leads to the similar goal of increasing productivity and reducing waste. There are 7 standard wastes that are considered to be the root of manufacturing non-productive outputs. Different tools can be applied considering the current status of your organization to reduce these wastes. Simply put, implementing Lean practice in your manufacturing environment will add value to your customers, while increasing your profits. Hence, it is not surprising the Lean Management is a widely used tool in organisation’s core values.


You have probably heard of the Lean management concept and its growing popularity in the business world considering its influence on businesses. But don’t worry if you don’t have until now, Qualitzs will help to deploy Lean tool tailored to your business needs.

  • We implement world class Lean Methods using tools that are suitable to your organisation’s strategy, the value at stake and the front line’s ability to adopt them.
  • We review your business needs and propose appropriate tools like ANDON, TPM, PDCA, 5S and facilitate quick implementation to yield process efficiency and reduce operational cost.
  • Whether you need support to solve one big problem or whether you want to embark on a full Continuous Improvement journey we will tailor our solution to meet your needs.
  • We offer workshops to bring lean methodologies into your business engaging with you and your team to provide guidance and tools to help solve common problems around delivering your products and services.

Lean Methodology is a guide for establishing a constantly evolving organisation with stable base. Benefits of implementing Lean are:

  • Reduce operating costs and improve financial performance
  • Increase production efficiency and lower inventory levels, smarter process (pull system)
  • Great market shares due to an improved competitiveness
  • Manage Team/Process Complexity
  • Better Management of Changing Priorities
  • Better Project Visibility at the Team Level and increased Team Morale
  • Reduced Lead Time
  • Improved Visibility to Stakeholders