Design of Experiment

Design of experiment (DoE) is a series of experiments held to identify relationship between different factors and inputs that effect the desirable process output. A proper DoE will ultimately answer:

  • How are input factors and their combination effecting the output?
  • Which combination of input factors delivers the desired output?

Performing DoE helps to validate and verify other plausible solutions of the problem. We combine statistical methodology, measurement techniques, with skills and experience to create a solution that solves the problem, saving our client’s effort, time and the cost. We use Minitab to conduct 2 degrees of freedom to 7 degrees of freedom DoE analysis to perform parameter feasibility study for complex manufacturing processes.


DoE helps design and manufacturing engineers to:

  • Validate their designs
  • Verify the desired theoretical output with more practical approach
  • Work on Alternatives and trade-offs
  • Find process bottlenecks

Qualitzs will help your organisations on your DoE requirements:

  • Understand the problem and different DoE applicable for the issue
  • Select the appropriate DoE based on the requirement
  • Plan DoE, help collect the data, analyse the data and present in a meaningful report
  • Advise on future optimizations
  • Help to reduce the cost by decreasing scraps and non-conformance